

3rd International Workshop on Multilingual Semantic Web (IWMSW-2023)

Uyo, Nigeria, November 13-15, 2023


Most systems require Speech and language therapies. These therapies are currently becoming a necessity for not just impaired patients but for most systems developed to meet the sustainable developments goals such as health and agriculture. The advent of semantic web provides a window to make this therapeutic tool available for all that are in need. Researches around the semantic web welcomes applications on several domains including speech and language therapies across under-resourced languages through the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches. 

Several areas, including domain semantic information retrieval, machine translation, search, summarization, question answering and communication of knowledge using heterogenous languages on the Internet of Things, find multilingual semantic web as a useful technology to mediate amongst users and various systems. Successes have been reported on the impact of domain knowledge on data analysis and vice versa. These successes include those on pre-processing data, searching data, redundancy and inconsistency data, knowledge engineering, domain concepts and relationships extraction, etc. The domain knowledge requires structured representation to facilitate data sharing and reuse (access). This is provided through the use of several models of representation such as ontologies, knowledge graphs, large language models, etc. Modeling data representations with many layers of non-linear transformations requires the use of machine learning (ML) and symbolic reasoning. Hence, the link and combination of NLP, Ontologies, Knowledge graphs, ML algorithms, eXplainable AI and Large Language Models (LLM) as adequate tools to providing therapeutic multilingual solutions on the semantic web. This will help in data analysis, knowledge representation, translation, interpretation, communication and possible decision generation as therapy.

The underlying tasks are grouped as follows:

-Group 1: Ontology population, ontology extension, ontology learning, ontology alignment and integration, fuzzy-ontology modeling

-Group 2: semantic graph embedding, latent semantic representation, knowledge graphs, hybrid embedding (symbolic and semantic representations)

-Group 3: Large Language Models (LLMs), summarization, translation, named entity recognition, question answering, document classification, etc.

-Group 4: Natural Language Processing, parsing (part-of-speech tagging), tokenization, sentence detection, dependency parsing, semantic role labeling, semantic dependency parsing, etc.

-Group 5: Heterogenous under-resourced languages, Communications techniques and IoT services. 


This workshop aims at demonstrating recent and future advances in Machine learning by using Semantic Web and its underlying technology including NLP techniques which can provide therapeutic solutions multilingual problems particularly among under-resourced languages. Also, results of on-going research in natural language processing, structured knowledge representations (featuring ontologies and knowledge graphs) and Machine Learning approaches as they are used by experts from industry, science and academia are encouraged for discussions.

We invite submission of original related researches, but are not limited to the topics below.

Topics of interests:

-Ontology-based text classification

-Semantic Representations

-Ontology reasoning 

-Ontological semantic annotations

-Integrating Ontology with other AI models

-Knowledge Graphs and Decision Supports

-Logic and Symbolic Reasoning

-Unsupervised Learning and Semantic Web

-Text classification using ML models

-Large Language Models

-Machine translation

-Question answering

-Text summarization

-Communication techniques, Linked Data and IoT

-Speech recognition


The workshop is open to submit unpublished work resulting from researches that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and approaches. All submissions must be PDF documents written in English and formatted according to CEUR-WS   CEURART style. Templates are available for LaTeX and DOCX/ODT, for single column layout.



We welcome the following types of contributions:

Full research papers (10-15 pages): Finished or consolidated R&D works, to be included in one of the Workshop topics

Short papers (4-6 pages): Ongoing works with relevant preliminary results, opened to discussion.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop, in order to present the paper, there, and to the conference. For further instructions please refer to the KGSWC 2023 page.

The Submission Web page for IWMSW-2023 is


Important dates:

-Workshop paper submission due: October 25, 2023

-Workshop paper notifications: October 30, 2023

-Workshop paper camera-ready versions due: November 5, 2023

-Workshop: November 13-15, 2023

All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (WAT -12).


All accepted workshop papers will be published in CEUR Proceedings. The best papers from this workshop may be included in the supplementary proceedings of KGSWC 2023.


Usip, Patience U, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria <patienceusip@uniuyo.edu.ng >